...is a novel set in the upper Amazon. The protagonist is K, an anthropologist of the materialist, empirical school. Interlopers and antagonists are many. Each of the book’s twelve chapters associates its narrative with the work of a particular philosopher—from Plato to Jacques Derrida. Anthropologist Gary Gossen provides a foreword. The cover design is by Lynn Hassan.
Robert Coover furnishes these descriptive remarks:
“K, the hero of this extraordinary narrative, is an etic (objective) anthropologist, living in an exotic compound on the Amazon, searching for mappable pattern within the disorderly, violent, paradoxical flow of diurnal life. His interlocutors are tribal leaders, boy and women lovers, evangelists and adventurers, artists, filmmakers, and a dozen or so philosophers, but his most compelling and unpredictable exchange is with tribal clown and magus Korokama, one of contemporary fiction’s most fascinating and challenging characters.”
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